Voipfone wins the Queen’s Award for Enterprise 2013

Posted by Voipfone on April 23, 2013

Back in 2004 – when Voipfone was just a lump of simple code on a frighteningly old and second-hand server, in a network cabinet looking less organised than a bag of loose wool – no-one, not even the most delusional, hyperbolic VoIP evangelist, would have predicted that we’d get this far – let alone win the highest award in UK business with it.

So it’s amazing to look now at what Voipfone has become – employing 25 people, running over half a million lines of original code in two geographically separate Data Centres, originating and receiving millions of calls and sending them all over the world – profitably.

Ten years ago this sort of thing could only be done by governments and massive corporations – and in many countries it still is.

We’re extremely proud to win the Queen’s Award for Enterprise; and still can’t quite believe it. Lee and I have known for a month; it’s been the hardest secret to keep from our brilliant people who do all the real work around the place.

I see that JCB hold the record for the highest number of Queen’s Awards – an impressive 27. I was a little worried that we had nowhere left to go…….

We’re coming for you JCB 😉

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