The New Website

Posted by Voipfone on January 30, 2011

Well the new web site is here, which is a bit of a surprise because it wasn’t planned to be done before the new User Interface.

Both have been in development off and on for over a year with the UI getting the majority of the attention.

The old web site was pretty awful, as, like Topsy, it just growed, and eventually became almost unusable; our customers had to really want what we offered to find their way around and actually buy something.

It isn’t finished – I suppose they never are – but we’ve decided that even in this almost complete state it’s better than the old one and having it out there will force us to get it done.

You will have established by now that we’re mostly into the technology and the service – we do everything ourselves, no outsourced designers and coders, marketeers and PR bunnies – so we tend to spend the majority of our effort on the actual products and platform; the fancy customer facing frippery always getting second place to network stability, call quality and feature development.

We like it that way – hope you do to. But every so often we like to give our customers a break and make life a bit easier for them; so expect a much improved user interface soon(ish).

If you’d like to comment on the new site, tell us what we’ve missed, what you hate, what’s broken and how it can be improved; please do.


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