I want my ***** money back. Please.

Posted by Voipfone on October 5, 2015

I want my ***** money back. Please.This week saw the introduction of yet more consumer protection regulations. The headline is that customers can now return goods that are faulty within 30 days of purchase for a full refund if they wish.

I feel like being grumpy and cynical about this, but I’m not – this is mostly because I can’t find the energy, the state of the garden shed is exercising me more, but also because this is “a good thing”. If something isn’t fit for purpose, you want the choice of a new one or your money back, it’s hard to argue really.

As usual, this is consumer law, so businesses are exempt and are able to rely on their mealy-mouthed Terms and Conditions. But here at Voipfone Towers we have always granted our business customers – which is pretty much all of our customers – the same rights as consumers and more, so it’s all good news really.

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